Yep, I'm putting it up again... It seems VERY NECESSARY to help my peace of mind and my opinon on some people today.
I read an article today in the Tribune regarding the Task Force in fremont, that was created to research the situation of Illeagal immigrants, they made suggestions to the City Council (which is what they were created to do in the first place) Anyway, then I read the comments of the citizens of Fremont and how they felt about the task force and illegal immigrants... It made me feel physically ill. I wanted to write a comment, but I decided to voice my own opinion on my own blog instead, it seemed safer and more appropriate. Here is what I can't understand... why does a person have to be illegal anywhere they go? I think all people should abide by some obvious rules, don't steal, don't kill, work for your money, support your family, send your kids to school, etc.. again the obvious things that every person has to do every day, beyond that.. I don't exactly understand why it matters if you were born here, or if your skin is a different color, or even if your first language is not the same as mine, it seems irrelevant... I guess when people try to pull the "they are illegal immigrants, what can't we understand about the word illegal?" - I just think why are they illegal? If I went to Mexico and worked and paid taxes and supported my family, why do I need some stupid piece of paper that says "your a citizen" - why would I be an illegal american? Why does it matter? Why can't we just live globally, if you want to move somewhere then go there and follow their rules and live your life. I understand that everyone is documented so that the government can keep track of us, so that we pay the taxes, so that we are a registered person on the earth, and ultimately I think that is the only reason they are called "illegal" because if they aren't documented then there is opportunity to screw the government out of taxes. News flash- everyone has the opportunity to screw the government out of taxes, EVERYONE - Not just people with brown skin and an accent. It blows my mind that some people can hate another human being SO much, when they don't even know them, why would you want to fill your heart with hatred ? I know people are going to say, crime, drugs, murders, blablabla- Come on that is a type of person, that is someone who made bad decisions, that's not a race, that isn't a color, or a language, I'm not a tree hugging hippy who is saying we should love everyone, there are absolutlely bad people in the world, that's right THE WORLD - I think the United States sounds like a stuck up group of teenagers at the cool table over lunch and instead of just pulling up another table so more people can join the table, they scrutinize and judge and complain and don't want anyone else to come to the table.
The system is flawed not just the system to become "legal" but the entire system of the way people are treated... I have redneck friends, I have rich friends, I have Mexican friends, I have black friends, I have Jewish friends, I have gay friends, you get my point- I'll be friends with any individual who is a good person, on that note, I have redneck enemies, rich enemies, mexican enemies, black enemies, Jewish enemies, and by enemies I mean people I don't like or who don't like me, and that is because they make poor decisions and want to be mean. If my 92 year old Grandma can accept people for who they are and what they do, rather than their race then what are these assholes bitching about when they write comments on the tribune website?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I think everyone needs to consider individual human beings in their opinions, and stop generalizing and criticizing things that are different than themselves.