Thursday, July 3, 2008

Time Flys When You get Older...

I'm having a slow day at work, and I figured I'd write about some things I've been thinking about and some things Jarad and I have talked about recently. Making notes of interesting facts and life observations has proved beneficial to me. I'll either read this in a couple months and be like Wow! what was I thinking, or I'll read it and feel inspired by something I did or said, or it will make me smile... simply remembering the little things.

So after Old settlers weekend, and seeing all the people from our small little town, we got to talking about how fast time goes now that we are older. Think about it like this, High school was four years and it seemed like the longest most intense and important part of your life, it was four years but seemed like such a huge portion of who you were and who you are.

Now, I've been out of High school for five years, those five years haven't seemed like defining moments of my life, they flew by and tho I could probably tell you a few substantial things I did in the last five years, it's nothing like "the highschool days" - It seems like not that long ago I was running through the halls of NBC.... however, I was at Wesleyan for three years and it feels like I haven't been there forever, a distant memory of a few teachers and a few cool kids.

This probably isn't the case for everyone, some people truely embraced college and I say more power to them, I embraced high school and enjoyed college, but I was on a mission to get a degree and make money after high school. Of course I did my fair share of the "college experience" - partying, dating, etc... I was involved in things and I loved Wesleyan, but for some reason- it still isn't as crucial as the years at North Bend Central.

Even in college, time didn't seem to escape me like it does now that I'm in the work force. I haven't quite grasped why this is yet. It seems like now that we work at least five days a week for about 8 hours a day, I lose my hold on what day it is, what month it is, and how quickly this week will be over and rent will be due again. Maybe that is why time seems to go faster, we have more specific dates we worry about, we worry about paying bills on time, we worry about making deadlines at work, and between all this trying to make sure we do things ON time, we lose track of it.

Another example of how quickly time goes by- In high school if you dated someone for a couple months, that was pretty serious, I mean If you went to the prom in May with the same person you went to the sweetheart dance with in February, then everyone knew you were definately serious and even to you it was serious... but now that I'm older... I've been dating Jarad since November, about eight months give or take- In the real world that isn't that serious.. I mean it is to me, and I hope and assume it is to him... but when you are 23 and you tell someone you've been dating you boyfriend for 8 months, they say, "Oh you have plenty of time, it's still pretty new" but in High School 8 months was nearly the entire school year and people would say, "They are getting pretty serious" - I don't know, I supposed the change makes sense with the way society changes, and the way our minds and attitudes change as we get older.. but it still seems very overwhelming.

Overall, even tho time is flying by me- I'm pretty content and confident in my choices and happy with my life. I'm finally getting settled into the new apartment, it was starting to feel like I'd never get through all the random boxes (and I still havent) but there might be a light at the end of the tunnel! haha

Jarad is spectacular, everyday he does something that surprises me, it could be thoughts about taking his mom off roading, or going on a walk together, or taking me out to dinner when I wasn't expecting it...he has come thru a lot for me lately with all the help I've needed in cleaning a house and downsizing to an apartment. Overall, I'm very very lucky.

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