I don't have a lot to report today, which I suppose is probably a great thing! I had a fantastic weekend, got to relax, spend time with friends, and of course spend time with Jarad :) - he had to work all weekend which is kind of a bummer because I worry about him getting enough sleep, but overall I don't think it was too bad, we went out but came home at semi-decent times and then on Saturday Jarad was able to take a 3 hour nap so I'm hoping that helped as well, plus Sunday afternoon/evening we just lounged and watched random tv shows that hooked our attention, I loved it, once in a while Lazy Days with Jarad seem to be just what we both need.
So, yep pretty good weekend, the "conversation" I mentioned last blog did not go as I had intended but that's not to say that it didn't end up being productive, it just took a little longer to get to the productive part and through the upset/angry part... but I think it was good in the end and ultimately it was handled quite well by both Jarad and myself. It's important to think about the actual person in front of you and not so much about minor issues, but it's something we all do and just have to work thru.
I find myself thinking about the future again and while I try not to get ahead of myself, sometimes it's difficult, I guess it just feels like I'm exactly where I want to be, I'm with the person I want to be with, and I want to lock in this feeling, I know that is impossible, but because I've found something in my life that I want and expect to be so permanent it is difficult not to think towards the future. I guess what I need to do is think near future not far future, next month, maybe the holidays, one week at a time.. haha
Well, enjoy your day, I certainly have :)
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