Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Go go go go go... Go

It's almost 4pm and my work day is finally winding down. Yesterday and today at work have been very demanding, and although I enjoy it and it makes the day go by a lot faster, it does wear me out by the end of the day, my brain just doesn't want to make decisions after 5pm. Anyway, so life seems to be flying around me... today started out strange, all the local schools are closed due to "extreme cold" - the sun is shining outside, but I guess with wind chills it is like negative 20 or something like that. All I know is I never got out of school due to "extreme cold" - in fact that just meant no recess.. so we actually had to stay IN school more! haha It just seemed very strange to watch the news this morning and see all the school closings, which usually means icy roads and a snowed in car... but neither of those were true, and I still had to be to work on time!

So, I had Monday off for Presidents day and that has been throwing me off all week, I keep thinking today is Thursday, because I guess I expected the week to go faster since it started on Tuesday, but it hasn't actually gone all that quick. Last night was a relaxing night, I stayed in bed for most of it, caught up on all my DVR'd shows and enjoyed being in my own bed. I miss Jarad but I guess I'm getting to the point where things need to equal out... he needs to spend a little time at MY place, sometimes it still feels like I'm giving giving giving and he is simply just existing... I know he works hard and I always try to be supportive, but what about when I am working hard... where is my support? Ahh well, I just deal with it. Tonight I'm going to the arena for dollar draws, after I go to pilates.. sort of opposites, excercise then beer, but oh well, I'm excited to spend time with my friends. Then tomorrow, I have plans to go gay bar hopping with my friend Michael, he needs a man and I'm down to find me a hot lady.. haha... jk- I haven't hung out with my favorite Bi-Guy in too long, so we scheduled a night of mystery and trouble.. :)

I'm not sure what Jarad will say or do about my schedule to stay in Omaha for a whole three nights in a row! I'm hoping maybe he'll miss me, I'm hoping maybe he'll get that he needs to come my way, or at least meet me in the middle... I'm worn out, I've put A LOT of effort into him and into us and I need some of that effort returned, I'm simply just tired... and once I rest up and get some me time in, I'm sure I'll end up going back to always giving and going and expressing because well.... I love that kid.

That's all for now, I literally don't want to keep my eyes open right now, I got plenty of sleep, I just know that if I can close my eyes my brain doesn't have to think about all the things in front of me... Adios and good snoozes for you ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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