Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I love that I only have 10 and a half more hours of work until I'm on a four day vacation! (not consecutively of course) but just tomrrow and the rest of today- I cannot wait! I also Love that it's been in the upper 80's all week, Jarad and I have been doing so much outside in the evenings and I love it! I love that I was on a sandbar last night, with my boyfriend, as the sun was setting, I told him we were standing in a postcard for Nebraska. I love that he picked up a "sea shell" and gave it to me, told me to pretend we were on vacation by the ocean and put his arm around me. I Love that he held my hand as we strolled across the sand, stopping and blocking each other when the wind would gust it around. I love that he is making plans for our future 4-wheeling adventures together, I love that we hiked thru an old german cemetery. I love that we watched deer run thru the forest and we watched a raccoon scavenge thru a field. I love that we read the newspaper online during the day and then we talk about the articles after work. I love that he helped me find an old door for my door project and that he's going to help me find another. I love that he actually communicated with me that he was happy with us, that we were good, really good, I love that he said it and that I agreed and that he didn't just assume I knew. I love that he conquered his jeep all in one afternoon, and I love that he then tries to explain to me how the car is put together, what each part does, and what it's called, and I love that sometimes I even understand. I love that he lets me do the grilling and always enjoys what I make. I love that he knows all my extremely tickalish spots and never hesitates to use them against me.

(Insert Deep Breath Here)

I love that on Friday I'll have my credit card paid off in full. I love that June is the last time I pay rent at an apartment I've grown to hate. I love that I've finally figured out how to combine my furniture with Jarads. I love that he trusts me to decorate, but he still lets me know that he doesn't do well with curtains or flowers, he also told me he didn't do well with candles, but I slipped in a few with no complaints. I love that he knows I'm an obsessive compulsive "nester" and home decor is my hobby and I love that he doesn't mind, I love that taking apart his car for an entire evening is his hobby and I love the way he looks when he's covered in oil, elbow deep in an engine. I love that he knows that the mower we use to mow our yard is the same one he was working on the day I drove up in a golf cart to introduce myself. I love that he remembers in detail what the weather was like when we shared our first kiss and that it is the reason he loves cloudy rainy days in the spring. I love that he has wonderful and crazy stories about his life and his experiences. I love that he loves my family and I love that I consider his family as my own. I love that we both feel the need for exploring and learning. I love that we both cherish the history of things, where they came from, what their story is, etc.

I love that I'm on top of the mountain right now, like I told Jarad last night- there will be valleys again, I'm sure of it, but I'm going to induldge in our extremely high peak right now :)

I love being in love with my best friend.

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