Monday, August 31, 2009

Long Pine 2009 Take Two, Also Road Trip Nebraska

I know, it's only been a month and I'm already blogging again! I couldn't help it, I had to post these pictures from this last weekend, what a spontaneous adventure we had! I'll just try to tell the story with the pictures, but long story short we had to head up to Long Pine again, and this time we made the drive up and back a discovery trip... Small Towns in Nebraska are amazing and we discovered so many interesting and historical things, I didn't get as many pictures as I should have, but the ones I have are guaranteed to make you laugh!

Above are the boys, Andrew, Jarad, Wes- they are being manly in front of the tank in Neligh, NE and below is Andrew, well being very Manly... on the tank.. HAHA

Wes and Andrew are locked in the Long Pine Jail, I told them not to make the Locals mad but they didn't listen!

This is the Fred's Repair sign, The guy on the sign is actually a picture of Fred, the local repair man, but even more classic is his "We work on stuff that don't"

And I had to put this picture on here, because Wes is attempting to look like Fred, and doing a pretty hilarious job of it...
Here is the Elkhorn river up in Ewing, Nebraska - Jarad and Wes wanted to see it because they read a book about a guy who grew up in Ewing and he talks about the river a lot, this was Wes's book that Jarad was reading during the trip, so it was very interesting because the book was full of facts about all the small towns we were visiting.

The river looks quite a bit different when you get up north, it looks more like a creek than the river we know and love out at the cabin

So below is a picture of "Zoo Nebraska" - It is no longer open, it closed back in 2005 after 4 chimpanzee's escaped from the zoo and they didn't have a tranquilizer gun so they had to be shot, the story is pretty bad and the zoo itself was eery, it was obviously run down, and I can only assume some sort of farmer owns it, there were several donky's, small horses, llamas, a goose, and my favorite?- A Camel, yep, hump and all, just hanging out in the trees, I couldn't get a good picture because my camera doesn't zoom, but it was there.

This picture gives you a good idea of what the fencing was like, and you can tell that everything is overgrown, I think that is a llama in the front..

To the right in this picture, was where the monkeys were kept, you can see all the swinging ropes, there were also round gated cages that basically looked like grain bins, and they did not look very sturdy or secure, and then there was a sign that said "Bobcat" right next to it, Creepy!!Well, here are a few things I didn't get a picture of but were very cool, The Mill in Neligh, NE - The first Rest Stop in Nebraska - Kenievil's Corner - PineView Drive In theater in Long Pine and Starlight Drive In Theater in Neligh, of course there is "The Pines" and cabin #4, The Sandhills Lounge, The Cowboy Trail Train Bridge and the route it takes across our state- I wish I could remember and write all the jokes that were told, hilarious comments that were made, and laughs that we had... Oh one just came to me, "Once you go Inman...." hahaha

It seems like there is always something going on, everyone is busy and life is flying by, it's already September! But, whenever you get a chance to make a pitstop at a little town and check out all it has to offer, I recommend doing so, you'll be amazed and what you learn and what you walk away with...

Thanks guys for a very fun weekend!

1 comment:

Vicki Chrisman said...

I was checking out my blog list.. and on a whim .. decided to click on yours. OHHHHHH! I was thrilled.. a post from Kate! and photos I've never seen! Extra fun!Thanks!