Friday, January 18, 2008


Ok, so it has been a couple days, and well things have been better than normal, I've been busy with some work stuff, but also I've been spending time with my friends, which I missed. I got to hang out with my good friend Michael on Wednesday night which was sooo fantastic, I missed him!! Also, my friends and I have become regular tuesday night bowlers, for $16 bucks you get unlimted beer and unlimited bowling for like 3+ hours. It's always fun and always different, plus it gives me something to do, as Jarad has class on Tuesdays and is usually tired and itchin' to get home and relax after what feels like a 15 hour day of work. I can't blame him, but I don't have to pull off those crazy days anymore, but I still need something to keep me busy!

I gotta post this for now, the boss is coming by to chat, but I'll finish later

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