Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Time to Pass the Way

Yes, I intentionally switched the words around in my title phrase.

It's one of those days where I'm quite sure the afternoon is going to go verrrrrrryyyyy slow. So, I decided to blog a bit before I continue on with a few things I need to get done.

First of all, last night was a VERY pleasant surprise, Jarad stopped by after class and he stayed the night with me in Omaha. The first time since he has moved into his new house almost two and half weeks ago! We were both tired from an early morning and a long day, so we snuggled up watched some TV and fell asleep, it was perfect. He is.. so.. unbelieveably perfect and he doesn't even know it :) I'm not sure if I'll see him today or night, I guess you could say it depends on the weather... If he thinks the roads and weather are ok he will be driving himself to class and home again and I probably won't see him. If he thinks it all sucks, he'll be calling me and I'll at least get to spend some time with him in the car... It's Tuesday, which means it is bowling night- but we don't bowl till 9:30ish anyway, so it won't be a problem, in all honesty... I probably wouldn't even be going bowling tonight except that Jess wants to go because Joel is going out with his friends, so she wants to go out with hers and I rarely turn down a night with my girls.

So, have I mentioned that every day Jarad and I spend together I feel more confident in our relationship, in us, in him.. I'm not sure what made the switch flip, but it definately feels like it has, like he is letting me love him and god knows I will let any and every ounce of that man love me. I was having a conversation with his friend Tim about trust the other day, and I was getting frustrated because Tim basically said it is nearly impossible to trust someone after they hurt you the way I had hurt Jarad three years ago. I understand that it is difficult, but putting I wasn't going to put it out of my reach, I still don't think I've "won him over" but at least, I think he is noticing and realizing my dedication to ONLY him. A war on time is the worst war in the world if you are an impatient person like myself. The only thing that can make Jarad trust me and open up to me 100% is time, obviously what I do in that time and how I use that time to show him our bond is also important, but it all boils down to time. BLA I wouldn't mind time speeding up a bit once in a while when I need it to... I'd equal it out in the times that I want it to sloooooowwwww down :)

Ok so that is my soap box on time and trust, hopefully for those of you non existent readers, it will give you hope if you are waiting on something... "all good things come in time" it sucks, but so far it has always proved true.

I will leave you with another horoscope blurb- I'm a dork and I have been reading into the Zodiac Signs lately, just learning more about the meanings and I came across this, sooo Look out Sagittarius!!! (You know who you are!!!)

Sagittarius will be faithful spouses and indulgent parents; but their innate restlessness will inspire them to use even the most satisfying ménage as a base from which to set out on their travels. They need to feel free and are often faced with the choice of allowing their careers to take over their lives at the expense of the love of their spouse and family.

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